
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Attention shoppers - you can find manners in the produce section

Jessica so eloquently described the difference between manners and etiquette. I was thinking about this as I was walking through my supermarket with my 14 month old sliding off my hip, pushing a full carriage with squeaky wheels that did not turn through a crowd as not one person stopped to allow us through. I wanted to cry.

The roadmap of civilized society touches every aspect of life, not just when dining at a five star restaurant. Etiquette should drive us to think of others and be kind - treat others as you want to be treated - at all times.

I have been that shopper. Stopping on the way home from work because the chicken went bad, running late to pick-up my baby at day care, racing through the aisles and then facing the check-out line for 15 items or less with "that shopper" with a full basket. And then they can't find their checkbook. I have learned to take a deep breath, smile and patiently wait because that will be me someday and I want my daughter to see me being kind to others. Because if she learns this from me, she will grow up to be a nice little girl who others want to be like and be around. And it spreads and hopefully when she is careening through the market with her little one dangling from her hip, shoppers will smile, step aside and the feeling of kindness will fill their hearts. And then it spreads.

The best thing about manners is that they are free. We just need to remember and use them. Because when we do, we feel good.

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