
Monday, January 25, 2010

Improve Your Manners... Manage Your Time

"Life be not so short but that there is always time for courtesy."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Honking your horn on the way to work. Not holding the elevator for for the person you hear trying to catch the doors. Being short and obnoxious with wait and sales staff. Acting exasperated at a slow patron before you in line. Snapping at your children to "hurry up". Why do people do these things? Is everyone just rude? I don't think most people wake up intending to be rude. Rather, they are just running late and trying to do too many things at once. Today, we try to cram more into every day, hour, and minute than previous generations. But we must reject this pattern of rudeness - ours - that seems to come wth our faster-paced life.

One of the most impactful steps you can take to be consistently well-mannered is to learn to manage your time and don't be late. (Tardiness, by the way, is a top etiquette faux pas.) Think about it. Aren't you more kind, patient and forgiving when you have the "time" to be so?

It takes discipline and planning to wisely manage your time. When you do the resultant dividends are marvelous. You are more organized, efficient, pleasant and less flustered. Life is more enjoyable for you and those who encounter you. When you manage your time and are prompt for appointments you let the other person know you value their time too. Managing your time enables you to have time to be a thoughtful person who is considerate of other people, which is at the core of being well-mannered. Indeed, it is good to keep in mind:

"Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present." -George Washington

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