
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buy Some Candy Corn
I am so excited Halloween is almost here. Dressing up, a fun night out -or in, if passing out sweets, and yummy candy – what’s not to love? To make sure your Halloween is full of treats believe it or not there are some etiquette rules one should remember.

If you are the one handing out the goodies: 

Martha Stewart
 • Please make sure your home is well lit and safe for visitors – and make sure your doorbell works. If you have pets, keep them under control.

• Hand out candy that is store bought. Homemade items are generally thrown out for safety reasons.

• Don’t be “that” house on the block than hands out pennies, or raisins or other types of unappealing fruit.

• Answer the door in a festive mood – give candy to all who trick-or-treat – even those you think are too old.  Remember rudeness begets rudeness ….and possible tricks by teenagers.

For the parents of trick-or-treating goblins:
• Make sure your children wear age appropriate costumes. I still remember a girl in my third-grade class was dressed as a “hooker” I didn’t even know what that was. Needless to say my mum wasn't too pleased when I asked her about it, and consequently there were no play-dates with that family – ever.

• Safety first. Young children should be accompanied by a parent, carry a flashlight or use other road safety reflectors.  Children should also be reminded to watch for traffic because it is very likely cars won’t see them on the road. It is best to walk on the side of the road.

• When walking on someone else’s property – stay on the proper path (driveway, to path, to the front door). Stay off of the grass and out of the landscaping.

• Honor the hours of trick-or-treating in your area. When people turn off their porch light – they do not want to be disturbed.

• Children should make their presence known by ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door and greet the homeowner pleasantly and with a smile – after all they are demanding candy.

• Children should be reminded to take only one or two pieces of candy (depending on the size). If the household wants them to take more, the homeowner will certainly urge. I always do that because we have so few trick-or-treaters and the last thing I want is a bowl full of temptations in my home after the holiday!

• Children should be reminded to say “thank you”.

• If the house is lit but the homeowner is not home – and leaves a bowl of candy outside – your children should not take all the candy.

• When you get home, please examine all the candy before you let your children gobble it up. Safety first. Throw away opened wrappers, check for razors, and examine candy for holes in packaging.

Do you love Halloween?  What else can you think of to make sure the Halloween experience is spooktacular?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chewing Gum Does You No Favors.

"Chewing Gum is really gross, chewing gum I hate the most." Willy Wonka
I don't know about you but I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Wonka.  I was out today waiting while my daughter was at a class.  Many other mums were there as well.   All of us smiled pleasantly but didn't engage in much talk other than a few, quick pleasantries.  We all seemed to be trying to relish the quiet 45 minutes we had on our own.  But there was a skunk amongst us.  Another mum chewed and snapped and smacked her gum.  In short, I was disgusted - and I heard her despite sitting in a different room.  I cringe just thinking of meal time at her home.   

I see no reason to ever chew gum.  I have yet to see someone look good doing so.  Many people who do chew gum tend to do it after meals.  Be marvelously well-mannered, don't be a Violet Beauregarde.


Either brush your teeth again or carry mints.  Otherwise you may end up like....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Etiquette Isn't Just for Tea Parties and Ladies Who Lunch

I am seeing more an more articles on the importance of business etiquette.  Here a Forbes article on workplace etiquette - but there is much more that could be said on the subject.  Have you committed a faux pas?  What is the worst etiquette blunder you have encountered at work? 

Be marvelously well-mannered at work and follow the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated.  Do so and you will be a success.

Bob Dole, Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Colin Powell....

Yes, it is election time.  But we aren't talking politics in this entry.  Republican, Democrat, Independent, Tea Party... whatever your political stripes, you should know of whom you speak. 

In a town like DC, one often sees people who used to hold positions of power.  It is wise to never count someone out.  So what do you do when you run into one of these DC celebrities?  How do you refer to them now that they are no longer in office or otherwise hold the position for which they are known. 

The answer is, it depends on what type of position they once held.  If they used to hold a position where there is more than one office holder at a time -- judges, ambassadors, senators, bishops, etc,  -- they use their "title" for as long as they live, in ever circumstance.  Hence, former Senator Bob Dole is still "Senator Dole". 

If, however, they used to hold a position of which there can only be one actual office holder at a time  -- The Governor, The President of the United States, The Speaker of the House, etc. -- they are referred to by the title they held previous to that one-at-a-time position.  Hence, Alaska Governor Palin, is referred to as, "Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska" or "Ms. Palin"; Former President Bill Clinton is now "Mr. Clinton"; Speaker Newt Gingrich is now "Mr. Gingrich"; and, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell is now "General Powell".

Want to be marvelously well-mannered when you are hobnobbing with these people?  Robert Hickey, Deputy Director of the Protocol School of Washington, has a thoroughly researched book  entitled, Honor & Respect, to help guide you through all the forms of address and title imaginable - it is a great resource.  It belongs on every books shelf in DC!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dog Lovers Beware!

Henry Clarke photograph circa 1954
 I am not naming names but awhile back I was at a business dinner when someone who should have certainly known better actually asked for a doggie bag for their main dish.  Yes, I know we were at a fabulous restaurant where the food is splendid and the portions sinfully inappropriate. But that is no excuse.  It is unacceptable to do this at a business dinner.  Period. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Clothes Make the Man and Woman


Do you strive to dress with taste? Our society's tilt toward the casual has unfortunately resulted in a corresponding decline in modesty, appropriateness, and taste.   I am not advocating that everyone should dress like a schoolmarm.  Rather, I wish men would dress like gentlemen and women would dress like ladies.  Think 40s, 50s, and the early 60s. 

Do you think you choose your clothes so others think you dress with taste?  Do you want to dress with taste? How do you define it?  It means different things to different people - but to me, a large part of taste has to do with consistently choosing quality and what is appropriate - for the occasion, for the weather, for your body, and yes, for your finances.

Gentlemen should keep in mind that ladies do notice your work clothes (so use collar stays) and your casual clothes (find an iron and wear something other than T-shirts and sweatshirts).  You will instantly have a leg-up on your fellow man. 

I haven't always dress consistently well but it is something I am striving to do.   Like it or not, we are all judged (and judge others) on our appearances and your wardrobe plays a big part of it.  We also feel better about ourselves when we know we are pulled-together.  It need not be expensive, but it must - at a minimum - be clean, pressed, and without need of any repair (fallen hem, broken zipper, lost button, a hole - fix it or get rid of it).

Let's all try to take it up a notch.  No more sweatpants on the weekend!  In that regard, I have taken a play our of our dear friend, H's, playbook by wearing more dresses.  A dress makes you look a bit more put together and stylish and it is a real time saver in the morning.  Just remember to only dress for your body type.  What looks fabulous on your friend may look unfortunate on you. 

Tell us about that one outfit you remember wearing where you felt completely pulled together and confident.  A great outfit can help protect you from feeling insecure and getting in your own way.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wishbones Are Good Luck!

Designer Amy Lau

Designer Annie Kelly

Designer Sara Rotman
Having trouble finding that unique, just right chair to finish off your room?  Want a fabulous chair to make any guest feel invited and welcome?  Well, you are in luck. Hans Wegner, one of the leading designers of mid-century Danish design (high-quality, modernist designs that emphasize pure, simple, functional elements) is known for his modern and chic chairs.  His iconic Wishbone Chair will be available in pink for the next year as part of an effort to raise money to help cure breast cancer.   Who doesn't love pink?

You can buy a pink chair without a cushion at SUITE New York and 20 percent of the entire sales will go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  But you can bid at charitybuzz on chairs with cushions created by 20 leading women designers and 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit BCRF.  How marvelous is that?

Which designer chair is your favorite?  I like Annie Kelly's....  Fellow blogger, Ms. Katie likes this one.

What a fantastic way to do more than simply wish away breast cancer. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life Is A Celebration

Grace Kelly Poster

MaryCatherine always says, "if you don't make it special no one else will either."  Toasts aren't just for weddings.  Make your entertaining much more special by doing toasts.   Champagne toasts are fun and festive.  But toasts can be done with anything, including non-alcoholic beverages.  But I still love this vintage poster featuring the stylish and refined Grace Kelly.

Set the tone and create the mood for a fabulous get-together at your home with a "welcome toast".   Make your guest of honor feel special with a heartfelt toast at the dessert course.   If your guest of honor is marvelously well-mannered they will do a "reciprocal toast" where they thank you for your hospitality.  

But public speaking often scares people - even when it is in front of friends and family.   We all have witnessed (and possibly given) toasts that have bombed.  To help avoid that in the future, remember the golden rule for toasts - begin, be brief, then be seated.  (One should stand if you are toasting at a table larger than 8).    Look at the people you are with - not at your glass - when giving a toast.

What to say?  It takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless, including giving a marvelous toast.  At the very least, and contrary to some of the sophomoric and tasteless best-man toasts many of us have witnessed, please keep it tasteful.

So do some thinking, make it personal, and it is perfectly appropriate to get some help and inspiration.   I have always liked the following poem as part of a toast:

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

What was the best toast you remember giving, receiving or witnessing?