
Monday, December 20, 2010


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Recently, we blogged about what one can do to make an overnight house guest feel welcome. But that is only half the story. There is a whole other side of the equation that leads to a great visit. A house guest has more to do than merely show up. When someone opens their home to you it is one of the best compliments you can receive and you should accept it with grace.  What type of ornament are you?  Here are some tips on being a marvelously well-mannered house guest:
  • Agree with your host on a mutually convenient arrival time and then be on time. If you are delayed, let your host know.
  • If you are staying for an extended period of time, as soon as possible (even before your trip), share your schedule with your host so that calendars can be coordinated and plans can be made. You should not expect your host to entertain you 24/7 (especially if you are staying more than a few days) so have some plans of your own, and have an idea or two of things you would like to do - if your host asks you what you want to do.
  • At the same time, do not treat your friend’s home like a hotel. Your host is likely to have planned some activities – graciously go along even if they are not your cup of tea. Who knows, you may discover a new passion.
  • Show up with a smile – and keep it on for the duration of the stay. Traveling is a pain, we all know that but you will start your visit off on a sour note if you arrive, drop your bags, and start complaining about the trip, the weather, the traffic, or anything else. If you are traveling with someone – don’t show up arguing – your host will feel like closing the door instead of letting you both in.
  • Bring gifts. It is marvelously well-mannered to show your appreciation with a thoughtful gift. Wine, sweets, gourmet olive oil, CDs, books, etc. nothing big is necessary, just something nice.
  • Adapt to the household routine and pitch in when you can. Do your best to comply with your host’s household routine, offer to help with household duties (running an errand, doing dishes, etc).
  • Be neat. Your host is not your personal maid so make your bed, keep your belongings in the designated guest area, clean up after yourself in the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Ask before you use – the television, the home computer, the car, the grill, etc.
  • Offer to pay for something. You aren’t expected to pay for everything, but you are saving money on accommodations because of someone’s hospitality so pay for some groceries, pick up the tab at a restaurant, or cover the admission fee at an event everyone is attending. When the host treats you, accept it graciously – do not fight over the check (tacky and makes everyone uncomfortable).
  • Leave on a good note – do not overstay your welcome. Leave on the agreed day of departure.
  • Strip the bed before you leave. On the last morning of your stay, do not make the bed. Rather, strip the bed to help your host get her home back in order after you depart.
  • Write a thank you note. Always, always, always. A little extra is to send flowers too
Do you have any other niceties that a house guest should do? What does your favorite house guest do that you just love?

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